Early Access to Next-Gen Infrastructure Assets

All XG early stage innovators have been vetted by and paired with incumbent enterprise partners.

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The XG Investor Advantage

Vetted by Industry Insiders

Our innovation vetting process ensures that the finished products have a fit in the market. By allowing industry insiders and enterprise to vett our innovators, we can set the stage early for possible off-takers.

Secondary Market Liquidity

XG's digital merchant bank partner, Stone Digital, creates liquidity through distribution on their global marketplace of over 1 billion investors across 34 countries.

Enterprise Co-Investments

XG Innovation gets the most out of enterprise innovation investment capital. Funding schedules tied to milestones that follow suit with the objectives of enterprise business units ensure effective deployment of capital. Enterprise co-investments reduce risk for all investors by ensuring enterprise engagement.

Structured to Reduce Risk

In addition to the industry vetting, liquidity, and enteprise co-investments that serve to de-risk investments, XG also offers investors the opportunity to invest in blended infrastrucure and innovations funds.